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Old 06-02-2016, 03:05 PM
ArianaBlack ArianaBlack is offline
Default CoMC Lesson 1: Crup Care 101

It’s nearing on 9am and the late risers may be wondering why they’re up so early. Hopefully that confusion doesn’t last for long, however, because it’s almost time for class! Nine AM on the dot, no exceptions. No excuses. The way it always is.

Your Professor can be found standing in the usual area where class is held by the barn. Luckily for you, he has taken appropriate measures to make sure the area has been insulated nicely with some incredible heating charms coupled with some shielding insulation. It’s definitely not as warm as it could be, but it should be tolerable for the next hour of class. Two benches have been set up, as per usual, though the grass is also an option if you’d prefer to sit there instead. Don’t get too comfortable though, you’re going to be getting up very soon!

A bunch of tub stations have been scattered around the grassy area and if you listen closely, you may pick up on some unusual sounds… But there isn’t anything unusual in plain sight. Hm, guess you’ll just have to wait and see what’s in store for the day! Better hurry, we’re starting on time!

OOC: Hey y’all! Welcome to our first CoMC lesson of term! I'll be moving on in 18+ hours! Please take the time to look at the CoMC rules and SS rules in the meantime!

Additionally, though this is our first lesson together this term, it should NOT be your charrie’s first CoMC lesson of the year!

Class is officially in session! Any arrivals posted from this point forward will risk point loss dun, dun, DUN. Just play as if you've been here the whole time, no one will know the difference *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

Class Progression:
1. Individual Greetings + Get a crup and make friends!
2. Give your cruppy a brush
3. Brushing teeth
4. Bath time!
5. Drying timeeee