Everyone I think! XD Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hadleigh didn't know about anyone but she would be going home this holiday unlike the few times she had remained at the school. This year was different. It was not only the very first Christmas she would be having with her entire family now that her father and Katalin were officially married. It was also the twins very first Christmas! Now sure, two babies that weren't even able to sit up on their own yet probably wouldn't remember or care if she was there but she would! There was noway she would miss being home.
So it was with a light grin and humming quietly under her breath the Slytherin entered the Great Hall just in time to see a HUGH tree brought in. It almost made her laugh as she watched Mr. McLeod. "Would you like some help with that Mr. McLeod!," she called out to the man making her way towards him. Helping with the holiday tree had always been one of her favorite things to do. Passing this up wasn't going to happen if she could help it.
But wait...what was that smell?
Turning slight to look around she spotted all the treats and smiled even more. This was nice the little effsies always did such a lovely job. Maybe there was something she could do for them... just to show that the students really did appreciate what was done for them. Something would come to her soon she hoped. For now though there was decorating to do!
Oooohhhh! And hello there everyone else! Hady gave a small smirk to the two snake firsties glad to see it was her house here first. The Professors each got a small smile as well. Any snacks could wait a bit...just so they weren't all sugary? Yes, she was really trying to do better Nana even if she had slipped up a bit over the last few weeks.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |