Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul nodded. "Understandable. I hope you're keeping all right, then?" He could always help her in Herbology if she needed it; granted, if her mother did plants then Isabella was probably at least knowledgable about them. "Pffft. Don't worry about being top of your class. That won't matter once you're out of here." It was true!
He couldn't recall a Juniper Melo right now. "I...don't think I know her, especially if she ran a greenhouse in Peru for awhile...yeah. I wouldn't know her." Interesting. Now Paul WANTED to meet her...only because he loved meeting his PEOPLE.
Charm was a good subject, yes. As for tips......."Hmmm. I think All I have to say about that is...don't give up if you fail the first time. hard...and if you give'll never know your full potential." Something he wished he could get through to Mr. Bellaire.
Isabella nodded vehemently. She did not need help in her classes. Maybe next year, but not yet. "Yes, sir!" she said. "It's a lot of hard work, but I always get it eventually!" She giggled when Professor Myers said that being top of the class didn't matter after school. Someone should tell her parents that. Then, when Myers said he did not in fact know her mother, she let a silent sigh of relief. It would be weird to have her head of house know her mother. Too, too weird.
Magic is hard. Isabella tried not to laugh as Myers made up some tips on the spot. Generic, but still accurate. Especially since Isabella usually did fail the first time when she tried new spells. "Thank you, Professor," she said as seriously as she could. "I will keep trying my best." She would never admit it, but Isabella was glad she'd heeded her mother's advice to visit her professor. He was much less intimidating now that she'd seen him in his natural habitat.
"I should let you get back to making waves for your dog," she said, turning to go. Hopefully he would wait until she was on solid ground if he wanted to bounce on the lily pads again, though. Otherwise she'd probably fall in. |