A Poop * k8 * Pffft. They were similar in SOME ways. LYNLEY would never want a child. Not ever. Not even if she found a man or someone she wanted to spend her life with. She knew..she knew she didn't want that life whatsoever. "They are. I mean, I've had pets before. It's just...so sad when they pass. I vowed to myself once that I'd never have another pet...not after..." she sighed. "In University...I had a cat named Petey. And when he died...well. It was just too much. But..kneazles live longer than cats so...maybe I'll be okay." Maybe she's kick the bucket before then, too, but that was highly unlikely, wasn't it?
Lynley looked down at her stomach for a SECOND before clearing her throat and looking back up. "Oh?" She almost took a step backward from the bump.
Would she give Archer a SHOT?
Lynley didn't answer right away. She lifted her right hand and examined her nails. Mint green today. Perfectly polished except for her damn pinky. There was a slight chip at the top of the nail...ugh. It would bother her. "I...don't like him. But I can civil if I must." Did that count as "giving him a shot?"
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |