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"well, clearly I don't take Runes yet." he knew that and he knew the professor knew that, "But I was just trying to learn the basics so that when I get into it I already have a foot in the door so to speak." he walked with the man towards the library. "i'd like that... if you were to look and pull some books for me. I don't have any of my own which is why I was headed there." he pulled a piece of his red hair from his head and began to twrillls it between his fingers, something he did as a nervous habit. He was cool though, he just hated all the questions!
Good the boy knew that Julien knew he wasn't in the class, but it was good to get a jump start on things. He was a bit impressed by this.
"Well there is no harm in taking up an interest. I always enjoyed expanding my knowledge on things. Still do." He was always one to like to learn more. Continuing to walk towards the library, because no sense standing around any longer he glanced at the young lad to see if he was was following.
"Of course I can help you, plus you have wand to levitate if need be, but I can fully show you some basic runes book that could help get you started." If the child was really into the subject Julien would very much encourage the thirst for knowledge.