It was a wonder the niffler!herd had made it down to the dungeons, but there were suuuuuure to shinies down here, surely? Studentsies always had shiny things...and so many of them, too.
They thundered into the Slytherin dorm, heading into whichever room they could get into, the boys' dorms it seemed, and began to sniff around a few of the rooms with much determination to find SHINIES.
Turned over trunks, digging holes in beds, and one niffler even peed in the corner of the room! Did someone have a feather pillow? Because feathers were now everywhere. A niffler had its nose in one of the boy's drawers, digging in its contents for shinies. OOC: There's a small herd of them making chaos around here. Feel free to interact with them whatever age your Slytherin is, whichever dorm he is in. Also, feel free to say the nifflers have ruined something of your child's if you want!
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