SPOILER!!: Isabella
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"I think it looks like you're making waves?" she said, heaving a sigh of relief when he stopped bouncing. She would have started getting seasick if there had been waves for much longer. She probably should have asked why he was splashing rather than what...but at this point, she was no longer worried about the splashing.
"My mother said I had to introduce myself to my head of house," Isabella said matter-of-factly. She wasn't one for introducing herself to professors otherwise. Keep your head down, avoid being noticed, that was her preferred method of going to school. "I think she'd be especially keen on me introducing myself if she knew you were the Herbology professor, too, sir. Mother works with plants," Isabella explained.
"It's so wonderful here!" Isabella said excitedly. "Everybody is so nice and classes are more interesting than my old school." Though, to be fair, Isabella hadn't had many friends at her last school, and hadn't really had time to get acclimated. "And I love being in Hufflepuff. It's so easy to get along with everybody."
Paul chuckled. "Yes yes...I was. My dog seemed to like it--" he nodded at Zelda. "Ahh...your mother is into manners and things, then?" he asked with a flicker of his eyebrow. His mother was never like that, but Milton's parents were the type. He remembered Milton having to introduce himself to all his professors back during University days. Paul thought it was weird; however, it did get Milton's name on their radar. So maybe...it wasn't all that weird, and somewhat smart.
"What is your mother's name, m'dear? I know a lot of people in my field of work..." especially if she was a private greenhouse owner. Ahh. Plant people. All so different, yet....alike in their love for greenery.
He smiled. "The classes here are....extremely interesting, even if a little difficult sometimes. What do you enjoy most so far?" he asked. He did miss having a regular for one reason; it was hard to offer tea and cookies in here. Hmph. "
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"They were 9-18 year olds. Youth workshops." Kaycee explained with a nod. "They were separated by experience level." So, it was fun. She got to see all ages and experience levels.
Kaycee nodded. "Yeah. I miss that weather. I guess it's not to not be sweating all the time though." She'd take the sweat over freezing though, truth be told.
Meh. She shrugged. It was close enough. "16 currently. I'll be seventeen in a few months." She then blinked. "Wow. That was rapid memory loss. You should take vitamins."
"You...taught people older than yourself sometimes?" He asked, head tilted slightly. Interesting. He didn't know how he'd feel...though, when he was a professor at University back in his thirties, he taught an old fellow here and there. It still felt very odd, though.
"I'll have you KNOW, Miss Richards, that I am perfectly healthy WITHOUT vitamins!" he exclaimed and then glanced at his watch.
"I...have a floo call to make to Milton. If you will excuse me---come see me with Kyroh about that performance, m'dear!" SPOILER!!: MUAHAHA
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This was going to be a scolding for painting on the pods, he just knew it. Rooney expected that Professor Myers was going to avoid telling him off in public because it only turned him into a grumpy little moo. And Professor Draper had probably TOLD him that he'd cried when he told him off. It was all a big thing. They were clearly conspiring against the poor fourth year. But he was here at the agreed time, with a lunch box of sandwiches and cake slices for the man.
Rooney Bronwyn was not above bribery.
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He didn't know what the 'very important thing' was. He didn't know what a man like Professor Myers might consider 'important', in fact, the more the Gryffindor thought about it was the more convinced he was that this couldn't be as serious as he was led to believe. Perhaps the man needed help re-planting but knew most students wouldn't be up for something like that. The boy WAS ridiculously helpful when he had a mind to be and Herbology was fun.
With this idea firmly planted in his mind, Blaise made his way across the grounds and over to the Professors....er...office...thing...space...yeah.
It wasn't until he got there that he noticed him. Just his luck. Of all the days Rooney Bronwyn could have chosen to visit the Professor, he chose this day, at this time, in this moment. It was all one big cosmic joke. His day had been going too good; figures something had to give at some point.
Blaise sighed heavily. "When the Professor gets here, can you tell him I'll be back to see him later?" There. He was even civil about asking before spinning sharply on his heel to leave. Wouldn't want to ruin the boy's concentration by breathing his the same air.
Paul had been waiting...all day for this meeting. All day. He'd even made cookies for the occasion. Raspberry and white chocolate almond cookies. Mhmmm. He heard the first knock and BEAMED as he opened to door to see Rooney.
"HELLLLLLO, m'boy! Welcome! I've been waiting to see you alllllll day! You look spiffy, you know? I always think you have a spiffy style, Rooney..." Paul was chittering away, and it was to remain above suspicion, but in fact it probably gave him away to his guilt.
"Come right in! I'll just--"
THERE WAS BLAISE. Paul looked at them both and then just SIGHED.
"I want BOTH of you in my office-----meeting space----NOW." He was stern enough so that neither of them would argue. "
Mr. Bellaire, I am not afraid to use magic."