♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe Nicky tried not to give other students much notice, but at the moment, she was propped up against the wall, considering whether she wanted to go up to the dorm or head down to the grounds. She'd been poking around for the prefect's bathroom - she'd heard it was the best in the castle - and having been unsuccessful in gaining access, now had to find something else to do.
So the panting, small thing caught her attention. She eyed the shoe that he dropped and immediately cast her eyes to his feet. One shoe on, one shoe off. Right. "Generally, one puts both shoes on before running." This whole 'needing to breathe' thing was the pits. THE PITS, MAN. Every breath made him more consciously aware of the fact that he was taking sooooooo long to get to where he needed to be. To get to who he needed to get to. Jaemin rubbed at one flushed, sweaty cheek and lifted his head just a bit when a voice caught his attention.
He didn't have TIME for shoes. SHOES WERE FOR PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T HAVE TO GET OUT OF HOGWARTS. The boy's dilated eyes flickered down to the shoe, then back to the girl, landing on her face. She was a pretty older girl, but not as pretty as someone else who he totally needed to see like now.
"I don't need shoes. I just need to get out of Hogwarts," he said breathlessly, kicking the shoe away with his dirty-socked toes. "She's waiting for me!"
He looked around feverishly. THIS WAS NOT THE RIGHT FLOOR. He was almost certain of it. With another needy, gasped breath, the Slytherin managed to speak some more.
"Seventh floor?" |