♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Lynley sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't really want to talk either, not really, but it had to be done. So she needed to just grit her teeth, and get on it with already. "I apologize for the way that I behaved towards your pregnancy. However, I do feel I had the right in feeling hurt about it...in my own way. Just...I should not have taken it out on you." She GUESSED. She was still weirded out that Gabby had gone from not wanting children to being EAGER for this one to pop out in the matter of, like, a week, but whatever. "I also think you and Archer are moving way too fast...but again, I can only say that as a friend, and if you're happy...I guess whatever."
Still disproved of it. Still didn't like Archer. But whatever. "Did...you get married?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and trying to see if there was a ring. Yeeeeeah, this was awkward.
At least she was getting an apology. Something that she more than deserved after the way that Lynley had been treating her for the last while. For a moment Gabby considered shoving the apology - and the ice cream - in her boss' face... but she knew how hard this was for the other woman. To get an actual Lynley apology wasn't a common thing. "I forgive you and I suppose I can understand why you feel that way." MAYBE. It was weird, but Gabby wasn't anything if she wasn't understanding. "I didn't think I wanted to have a baby until there was the possibility of it happening." Smiling, she rubbed her bump. The day might come where Lynley was in a position like this and everything would make sense then. That was if she ever settled down with someone which quite frankly didn't seem very likely judging by how things were currently. "I don't agree." But it was... whatever. Gabby wasn't going to stop someone from feeling a certain way even if she thought it was nonsense. They would end up fighting again and she wasn't up to fighting right now; she was trying to finish her ice cream. "Is that why you don't like him?" Yes, she had worked that out and it hadn't taken a while either.
Nod. "I did." She held up her ring. |