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Dante did not really want to see Paul angry. So yeah no plans on doing that.
"Don't Worry i don't plan on it." And he guessed that was his queue to leave. Since he was basically said what he wanted to and well he had nothing more to add. "Nope that's it. I'll see you in your class Professor"
Dante got up to leave.
Good. Paul was glad SOMEONE didn't want to see him angry. UNLIKE Mr. Prince, it seemed. Dante was a clever boy, though. He was a Slytherin; he could stay out of trouble. It was one of their traits, right?
"I'll see you around, Dante! Take care, m'boy!" he called out as Dante left.
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Smiling, Esme nodded slowly. "I'm musically gifted." She wasn't saying that to BRAG; just stating a fact. She was very good with instruments in the same way that her mother was. It would be amazing to have jam sessions with Professor Myers and she hoped that he would take her up on it at some point. If Hogwarts had a band she would have joined it gladly.
OH! It was another dog. A girl dog. Esme laughed. "Was stuff from last term too much for him to deal with?" Animals were supposed to be able to sense paranormal events and there had certainly been a lot of those with a poltergirl - or whatever she was - on the loose last term. "Hopefully Zelda does better with Hogwarts." As in hopefully things didn't go insane this term. Unfortunately they probably WOULD. "Does she go swimming in the lake?" Or was that too dangerous with the Giant Squid?
"I was wondering if we could have a Skittles fountain placed in the common room?" Because... did she REALLY need to give an explanation? It was rather obvious.
Paul nodded.
"I think so..poor Charles. When we got home for the summer, he was much much happier, you know?" he smiled a little. He KNEW Charles would not have liked this lily-padded room at all. The dog hated swimming and he hated water, which also meant baths were a HUGE NO.
Dogs. Such silly little creatures, but Paul loved them.
"She hasn't had the chance yet, but I think I'll take her out eventually, m'dear." Just to get some of her energy out, too, it would be good. Maybe even Draper would want to join with Merlin...heh.
....a SKITTLES fountain? Lucky for Esme, Paul was familiar with this muggle candy. They were rainbow and beautiful and had little S's on them and tasted like fruity HEAVEN. Paul smiled a little.
"Well........I don't see why not. But I'll have to find one...and rent it out...or something......" Or buy it. Hmm. He smirked as he thought. "
We'll see. I'll try to make it happen, Miss Darcy!" Quote:
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Kaycee nodded. "It's fine though. I still have time over breaks." Time that she definitely takes advantage of. "I even got to teach a workshop this past summer." Which was fun. She made Kyroh come to support her.
She laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I miss the heat. Especially when it starts to get cold." And when it stays cold. The cold in general was awful.
... how old was she now? Professors only had to keep track for seven years. It couldn't be that hard. Especially since she sat OWLs last term. "Sixth." Should she ask how old he was next? Or was that rude?
"What age did you teach, Miss Richards?" Paul asked curiously.
"I imagine teaching dancing is much different than anything I've ever taught, though. Dancing is probably more difficult...Merlin. Good for you!" he smiled.
Paul missed the heat, too. Being able to wear t-shirts and shorts and SANDALS all the time?! Hawaii had just been the best for that reason alone!
"I enjoy light snow. I don't...like when the snow gets heavy. So I feel you there, Kaycee." He assumed it didn't snow in Florida.
Sixth. "I asked how OLD you were, not your year, m'dear!" he chortled and shook his head a little.
"I don't remember why I was asking, though. So." He had a reason, like, ten seconds ago. But it was gone. Poof. His memory was failing him; he was old.