Fluttery Pegasi Any minute now. Any minute Drapes was going to tell her to stop and when she didn't she was going to get more point taken or probably a detention. Any minute... He wasn't stopping her. As surprised as she was by this, Hadley wasn't gonna question it or waste this one golden opportunity to escape scot-free.
And then the Cry-baby happened. Sniveling and sobbing. Sooooo pathetic. Seriously, he was two grades above her and needed to just grow up. "Move," she growled under her breath. Unfortunately Rooster decided to ask Drapes about the points at the same time, all the while still sobbing, and effectively drowned her out.
Merlin-in-Mustard! This was getting ridiculous. The sounds of his blubbering was really starting to get to her, and not even babies crying got her. It didn't matter that he'd stopped crying, those sounds were stilling echoing in her head. "Holy carp! Does the big baby need diaper changed? His bottle perhaps?" Hadley rolled her eyes in exaggerated fashion and moved to slip around the infantile prefect.
Last edited by Callie; 05-27-2016 at 12:19 AM.