Thread: Of Mr Kitridge
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Old 05-24-2016, 03:52 PM   #25 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Default Going away on work trip wednesday-friday so might not post until saturday/sunday.
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Haddie
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Hadley nodded. "Yeah, Nat. We do. And with the two way mirror Mom got us for our birthday last year. But she didn't react all that well to me being a witch without her and so didn't talk a lot last year. But we've made up." Finally. Hads didn't go into how scared she was that she and Natalie would end up like her Dad and uncle. "This year we plan to write and talk everyday. Poor Wimple is gonna get such a workout." She'd use a Hogwarts owl once in awhile if Wimple didn't get jealous of other owls like he did. "And thank you, Mr. Kitridge."
Hadley nodded about the robes. "I wear them to classes and everything, sir. But on my own time," when not in classes or at school events, "I prefer to just wear my school uniform without the robe..." Was that okay? She had thought it was, but maybe not? "Anyway, the weather will be changing soon and I'll be bundled in the robes for warmth all the time."
She listened quietly to Mr. Kitridge, a small smile spread on her lips. He was actually making her feel better. And surprised. More wit than many other eagles do? And if she didn't know better, she'd say he actually seemed impressed by her skill at getting out of trouble. To her that was just survival instinct. And yeah, she guessed she was a bit quirky. When he was done, Hadley simply shrugged. "It just sometimes feels like everyone wants me to be someone I'm not." Her Dad, teachers, professors even, hell, last year it seemed to her that even Mr. Kitridge had wanted her to be someone she wasn't. But she wasn't going to say that, especially with him telling her to only ever be herself. When it came to Mr. Kitridge, perhaps she had been wrong.
Nodding once more, Hads said, "Yeah, Rachel does. So does Kitty, Azura, Ailsa," she was family though, "and Penny." And that was the list. The list of Ravenclaws she knew accepted her. The rest either didn't or were ambiguous.

"I'm glad you've made up with your sister Hadley and that you and Nat plan to talk regularly now. The bond between siblings is special and should be nurtured especially between twins." Leo commented quietly. Raising a brow in confusion he asked "Whimple? Is that your house owl?" It seemed most likely. Unless Haddie had named one of the school owls.

Thoughtfully he leaned back more in his chair as he responded to her query. A question Leo hadn't really put much thought to. "If you're inside Ravenclaw Tower then you can wear the clothes that feels most comfortable, but outside in the castle or the grounds when classes aren't in session then it's better if you wear your full uniform with your house robes included. It will make it easier for you and won't make you lose any points. Plus I can't tell every professor and staffer that I've given you permission to not wear your house robes then all the students will want to follow suit. And then it'll turn into chaos." Something that Leo wanted to avoid at all costs.

Shaking his head Leo said "I'm sorry that some people have made you feel that way Hadley. I just want you to strive to become the best self that you can be. I want you to be Hadley, nobody else. If your closest friends accept you as you are isn't that enough? Do you have to care what everyone else thinks? It's what you think that matters. Don't forget that!"

SPOILER!!: Azura+HeadmasterMo
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura looked up at Professor Kitridge as he spoke and she bit her lip a little, she pulled a lock of her hair over her shoulder as he asked how she was feeling.
"Numb." She whispered softly, "It's so hard to wrap my head around what happened. To realize that.. My mom is gone." Her brow furrowed in concern and she twisted her fingers together. "My chest aches really bad.. but I can't seem to cry." She just lay awake.. staring up at the ceiling, clutching her chest as it throbbed.. it seemed like there was a weight crushing her and there wasn't much she could do about it.
Most of the time she felt like she was desperately treading water, trying as hard as she could to keep her head above water. She was so scared she would just slip under water and drown under the weight of everything.. But she had to be strong.. She had to keep treading water.
She took a breath as he mentioned her Aunt being her Guardian. "Right now, she and my Step Father are talking about who will be my Guardian, my Step Dad isn't.. around right now." She said softly as she bit her lip and looked down. He had gone to the Black forest to see if he could find the Vampire that killed her mom.
"I'll take some tea." She said in a soft voice as she twisted her fingers again. She felt so lost.. like she was wandering around in the dark, searching for any light she could find.
Originally Posted by MohamedSahnoun View Post
He nodded his head, confirming to the girl that they all did receive an owl from her aunt. The warm smile on his face was still there, though it did lessen when the girl revealed how she felt. Numb; chest aches; can't seem to cry... She did know that it was okay to cry? It was, after all, a part of the grieving process.
"Tea would be wonderful, Mr. Kitridge. Dank you," he said calmly, his eyes lingering from the Ravenclaw for just a moment. The man took a deep breath, replaying what Azura had just said moments ago. The fact that she was having chest aches worried him. "Have you been to see Healer Murdoch, mah dear? I am quite positive dat she would be able to provide a potion or two to help wit da chest pains."

Pouring up a cup of steaming chamomile tea Leo handed it over to Azura trying to catch her gaze as he reassured calmly. "It's okay to let yourself cry dear and just let all the emotions that you feel inside come out. You've lost your mother and crying is a natural part of the grieving process." Which he was sure that Headmaster Sahnoun agreed with.

"I completely understand that it's hard to talk about how you feel right now Azura and that is perfectly okay. You should know that all the staff here at Hogwarts are here for you in this difficult time. Anytime night or day you feel like you want some adult company then my door is always open.."

Pouring up a second cup of tea for headmaster Mo he handed it over asking "Isn't your office door also open for student visits Headmaster Sahnoun?" Did the school have a counsellor that they contacted in these types of cases? He'd ask Mo about that after Azura had left.

The aching chest pains Azura was experiencing were concerning. Looking over at Azura again he said "If you want I can ask Professor Newton if he has some potions he could brew for you for your pains. How are you sleeping dear?"

"Is it stressing to not know who is going to be your legal guardian for now on?" Leo assumed so but if Azura voiced it then he could possibly send a reaching out letter to her Aunt and Stepdad to see how the talk was going.

SPOILER!!: Sabbath & Rooney
Originally Posted by Scorpio Vulpeculae View Post
As Mr Kitridge’s tone became more serious, Sabbath’s shoulders slumped. Rats! Just when he thought he was going to get away without being told off! “Oh that... I almost forgot! he said with a sheepish smile.
”Err, there is an explanation Sir - I was provoked” he began. “You see, when I arrived in the Great Hall I found Noah harrassing my girlfriend, he was making her cry, so yes, I pushed him,” he continued frowning. “Then, he went and bumped his nose or something and because he’s a bit of a bleeder, it looked worse than it really was... Sir”, he looked up at Mr Kitridge hoping this would suffice and avoided eye contact with Rooney in the background as he sipped his lemonade.
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
With a sigh, Rooney sipped his lemonade and decided to wait to properly speak to his Head of House until after Sabbath had gone. More so he could watch the idiot get schooled by the man in charge of Ravenclaw. Finally! Maybe he’d take something from it, because he clearly hadn’t taken anything from the conversation they had had in the dorm. Although… Sabbath’s version of events took him by surprise and he couldn’t help but laugh loudly to garner attention back his way. Because this had been his meeting initially. First off, how could someone forget causing enough drama that one person ended with a bruise on their face?

”Liar!” Okay, no. Rooney wasn’t going to let him talk about Noah that way, when in his eyes…there was nothing the Diggory boy could have done to avoid the horrible things that had followed.

”Sir, I..” How to put this nicely..? ”I’m one hundred percent positive that Noah wasn’t harassing anyone. Especially not the girl who was his best friend until someone Pointed fingers in Sabbath’s direction now.. ”decided to get involved.” The fourth year put his glass onto Kitridge’s desk and decided then to put his badge back on. Because he wasn’t going to have Sabbath continue to be derogatory about someone that couldn’t even defend themselves. Not that Noah seemed the person to do that…given what Roo had seen in their meeting. ”I actually spoke to Noah the morning after, Sir. And he, forgive me for assuming based on first conversation, but he didn’t seem to have the same idea of what happened as Sabbath here. And I actually believe him over… Sabbath. Who was a smug git and really did deserve the smacking of the face off a table.

”Seeing as he’s here, Sir.. The events I was talking about was the conversation I had with both boys. You see..I called a meeting with them, I wasn’t sure if that was okay.. But I didn’t like to see Noah in that way. My conclusion from that conversation is that..maybe Mister Giminez wouldn’t get himself into these situations if he wasn’t as rude as he is.” Oh ho.. And this was just the start of Rooney getting into things. Because he was just getting more and more annoyed by Sabbath’s annoying little face and everything about him.

He forgot???

How did you just forget something like that? Leo shook his head in equal disapproval and bafflement as Sabbath rolled out an explanation for why he had acted the way that he had done. He apparently had been provoked by another student and had felt the need to defend his girlfriend's honour. Inward sigh.

"Punching someone whether you are provoked or to defend someone you like very much never ever leads anywhere good Sabbath, and not to mention it's against school rules." Here he paused to let it all sink in.

"I highly advise you to seek the assistance of a school prefect or a member of staff the next time you feel like punching someone. Use your words but not bad words and most of all don't just punch! Resorting to violence as an outlet for anger never ever solves anything." Leo lectured.

"Did you bother to try and find out from your girlfriend if Noah indeed made her cry before you punched him or did you just punch him out of jealousy?" Had Sabbath gotten all the facts before he acted Leo wondered or had it all been on impulse?

Looking back at his house prefect he said since Rooney had chosen to interject in his conversation with Sabbath to provide some extra information. "You did the right in stepping in and talking to both Sabbath and Noah about the incident Rooney even if it wasn't really solved and you got to hear conflicting stories of what happend. You acted like all prefect and student leaders should do when they witness or get involved in an incident. You should wear your badge with pride not hide it away in a pocket." Leo complimented with warmth.

Turning to Sabbath again Leo asked. "Is it true what Rooney said are you rude to your peers Sabbath?"
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