05-24-2016, 03:01 AM
Charms Lesson 1: Color my world It was charms afternoon for the students and the door was open and ready to have the students enter. Professor Primeaux is always one for punctuation and control so there should be no surprise that the room is clean, lit well, and set up in an organized fashion. What might be different is that he has student easels placed where the desks should be.
On the easels there is a white canvas and finger paints at each station. Looking more closely you will find no paint brushes. Just every color paint you can think of. Had the professor been pranked by peeves and that's why there is paint and art supplies in his charms room or was Professor Primeaux finally losing his marbles?
On the board you will notice a sign from Professor Primeaux but no Professor was found in the room. Quote:
I will be there shortly, please while I'm gone use the finger paints to make your best project. If you can't draw it is fine, look at mine. This isn't a joke it is how I actually draw and paint things. Make sure whatever you make it is school appropriate. This is not for a grade, I will not collect it, but you are expected to do your best and try.
Lesson progression: Paint with a brush Animatae Figura Colovaria Go on and color the castle Thank You for being patient! |