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Old 05-24-2016, 02:19 AM   #47 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 21,185

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman Gellar
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
Default Attempt #2 that hopefully won't be eaten by lappy
A Poop * k8 *

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Kaycee laughed lightly. "He definitely loosens up whenever he's dancing." That seemed a pretty common theme with Ravenclaws. There was angst and there was the thing that let them let go. It was pretty interesting actually.

She considered that. Hmmmm...

"Could we do it in the Great Hall? On the tables? That way you get a good view." AND IT WOULD BE AWESOME! Especially a Professor supported dancing on tables event.

Now was the part where you say 'That is an AMAZING idea', Professor.
Paul could attest to this, yes, since he had been a Ravenclaw back in school. The angst had been strong. He could remember it. Being a teenager...well. It sucked, there was no way around it, and Paul was SOOOOOO glad that time in his life was so far placed from his current self.

Plus, he had been a dweeb back at school. Not fun.

Great Hall?


"BRILLIANT IDEA, KAYCEE!" he cried suddenly. He had to admit the girl was growing on him because his former dislike for her was slowly decreasing. "I could even play my BANJO in some NEWGRASS style..." was she familiar with NewGrass? Hmmmmm?

Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Isabella took a step into the professor's meeting space and froze. Giant lily pads. The herbology professor was jumping on a lily pad and there was water and it was splashing. Why was Hogwarts filled with so many strange professors?? She took a step, gingerly, onto the nearest lily pad and put her arms out to her side for balance.

"Professor?" she said, wobbling a little because the sloshing water was making the lily pad a bit unstable. "What are you doing?"
"What does it LOOK like I'm doing, m'dear?!" he called out as he took ONE final bounce and flopped onto the lily-pad. Zelda, exhausted too, crawled onto an empty one and curled up to stare at Isabella curiously.

"What can I do ya' for today, Isabella, my new little badger?" he asked cheerfully. "How do you like school so far?"

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
It was good that Professor Myers didn't think she was wasting his time, but then Esme knew that the man was not mean like that. This was why he was one of her favourite Professors as well as the best Head of House. She smiled at him. She liked his company too. "Oh, I did. It was wonderful. Thank you so much for arranging it." Yes, Pearl WAS odd, but there was nothing wrong with that. "I love playing musical instruments. I inherited my mother's gift with them." Though her enjoyment didn't go beyond a past-time; her career would be geared more towards the people though she hadn't yet worked out EXACTLY what she wanted to do for a living.

Oh. Of course. "Does he like swimming in the pond?" Some dogs loved the water though of course a lot of them didn't. She supposed she wouldn't either if she was covered with a thick coat of fur. Obviously that would never happen since she wasn't a Werewolf... "I also wanted to ask you something." Just a fun little idea that she had a little while back. Maybe Professor Myers would be keen. He DID have a whimsical side after all.
Paul was glad that Pearl hadn't been too much for Esme to handle. "And yes piano?" he thought he remembered her telling him this last term...right?

"Oh! This is Zelda--she's a SHE," he said with a chuckle. "My other dog, Charles, was just not happy here.." he sighed. "But ZELDA enjoys it!" he nodded. "And she likes swimming, yes. Very adventurous dog, she is. I'd say she's a total Gryffindor," he snorted. idea.

"Oh?" he asked, and he raised an eyebrow. "Well..go on, Esme."

Originally Posted by Jean Granger View Post
Carl had not visited Professor Myers officially this year and he wanted to fix that, because 1. he was his Head of House, 2. he was a cool person and 3. he had heard the office had changed and he wanted to check it out. The only time he came to look for the Professor was last term when the Hufflepuff Study Tables were stuck on the ceiling. At least nothing of the sort had happened ... yet.

Humming a tune, he knocked on the door.
Paul was getting nothing done. He couldn't concentrate on essays, and he couldn't get any reading done. His head was too full! He decided he needed to...meditate.

And so he was getting ready to when he heard the knock on the door! Oh goody, company! More procrastination from responsibilities! This was great! "Come in!" he called out.

Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Art didn't even pick up on the blush thing. Nope, but he did pick up on the no shoes thing. He gave Paul a smile and nod, "I-I hope you're not busy?" he asked, coming in anyway and putting the tray down on the ground. He took his shoes off, and then his socks, and put them at the door. He just assumed that there was a no shoes rule in here. He wriggled his toes and looked back up. "What a grand room you have, Paul," he said. "How... how are you?"
Them oldies had to stuck together. He liked Art. Art was a pal. So he was soooooo happy to see him make the trek down (or up???) here from the dungeons! "I bet it's hard to get fresh air down in the dungeon, eh?" he asked.

"And no no! Not busy at all!" he gestured the man inside and went to plop down on a lily-pad. "I am grand, Art! Just grand, like my room!" he chortled. "Have a seat, my friend!"

Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
Ilia couldn't help but giggle a little at his frog sound. As long as it wasn't too toad like they were good. Ilia still wasn't quite over her fourth year encounter, just good at hiding it. " I thought you might and it might be nice to just have a visit instead of someone wanting something. "

" It was very busy, I spent most of it at Henric's parents. They are really lovely people and I'm a bit better with muggle things now." Of course, that wasn't all of what he was asking. He was the only professor that knew of her situation. ".....she and I had a fight my second night home. She threw me out in the middle of the night...and said I was no longer a child of hers. So, I walked to Henric's and they took me in without a second thought." Yes she was happier with Henric and her freedom...but it still stung a bit.

"I don't mind helping people EVER....but yes, a visit for the sake of a visit is nice, too, M'dear," he smiled and settled back onto his lily-pad with comfortable ease. They were definitely more comfortable than he would have thought.

Ahh. He sighed and looked down. "I am...sorry to hear that," about getting kicked out. "And I am so sorry your mother is...being that way." This was difficult. He thought the mother...was being ridiculous. But it was not his job or his place to say so. So...he bit his tongue and continued, "But...I am glad to see it has...worked out, for now, even if not in the most desirable of ways, Ilia. Your mother will come around...I'm sure of it," he looked back up, meeting her gaze. "They always do." He knew from experience.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
So he did still have them. Dante just thought they were interesting and okay COOL. So he probably will be visiting them sometime in the future if he remembers. Also he was not surprised Paul had a greenhouse at his house or maybe his house was a green house. Hehe.

"So they go to your own greenhouse when they get too big?"

Cool, he had to ask because well it was a stupid thing to get in trouble over. So he could even have gotten in there last year if he asked. Good to know if it was the beginning of last year. Oh well.

"Just study some of the more dangerous plants. Have people been doing experiments?"

Because why else would he bring that up.
"Eh..well...not always. Sometimes I'll give them to Herbologists who have the room or want them," friends, usually. Milton didn't always like the addition of MORE plants, but alas, sorry Milly.


Paul cringed at the question.

"....Daxton.....Prince." And that was all he needed to say, right? Dante could catch on.

Originally Posted by Ameh View Post



Song Jaemin was on a mission. It was after classes, but before dinner, and he had things to do. So many THINGS. IMMEDIATELY. The small boy had high-tailed it out of his dorm and down to Paul's office...? area? place? all at top speed. He hadn't even managed to get both shoes back on his feet as he had left the dorm, and was indeed carrying one in his hands. Which he was using to knock on the door.

Rather hard.

BANG went the shoe on the door again as the miniature Slytherin bounced on his toes, half of them socked (and the sock now rather dirty). This was taking SO LONG. Way TOO long.

"PROFESSOR MYERS!" he yelled, clearly over-excited and a little bit distressed. "I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING."

And fast. So hurry. He didn't have much time.



Paul THREW it open, about to calmly tell whoever this ENORMOUS person was to take it easy on his door when he realized it was Mr. Song. ".......Jaemin, what is the matter? Are you okay? You look harried, m'boy!"

Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl View Post
AS ALWAYS, Hugo had to pay a visit to Myers because...just because. And so he headed to the professor's office but to his suprise there was no waiting area. He stood there and looked around, he was pretty sure here was supposed to be flower chairs and magazines but not anymore.

Oh well.

He knocked on the door and waited for Myers to open the door.
Paul had had a busy, hectic day and was...a little frazzled when he opened the door to see the Slytherin prefect. "Hugo! Hello there, young man--come right in--don't fall in--"

He smirked to himself.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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