Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Quote:
Originally Posted by Jojogali Elsa was avid for information on Wes, even though she didn't know why. She had thought about him, and the mere thought of him made some weird feeling arise in her stomach - but she had no idea what that was. Nor she felt inclined discussing it with anyone. So the prospect of seeing him made her insides turn and she even looked a little green. "Oh he is?" she squealed a little higher than she at first intended, completely thrown of track.
Her attention was quickly brought back to t he matter at hand and she moved even closer to Azura and continued whispering "It's a magical book that has been hidden for ages. Kitty believes we can find it and discover some mysteries about life and magic in it. It's supposed to be very cleverly and dangerously hidden inside the castle. I'm gathering intel that can help you pinpoint it's exact location" she ended with a nod, looking around to make sure no one was listening on their talk. This was very serious spy business. HAH! She had caught her! Hahahahaha!! Elsa liked Wes! The casual mention of him, the too high voice when Azura had said he was coming, all of it pointed to the fact that her friend liked Wes.. Though now Az was wondering if she really wanted to hang out with her.. or was she just wanting to see Wes. "Mmmm, he'll be here soon." She said as she looked around and sighed a bit. At least she got Elsa off the track of how she was.. So that was good.
A magical book? Azura raised an eyebrow.. Could something really be at Hogwarts? She wasn't sure.. and if it was.. it most certainly wouldn't be in the normal library bookshelves.. "It would probably be in the restricted section." She said logically. |