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Old 05-22-2016, 11:11 PM
PatInTheHat PatInTheHat is offline
Default Band Merchandise

Set along the back wall of the shop and pressing up against the door to the recording booth is an area devoted specifically to displaying the various band merch offered up for sale. The wall is lined completely with tee shirts, stacks of which can be found in cube shelving beneath along with an assortment of band-related hoodies, all charmed to look to the Muggle eye as if they bear the logos of popular Muggle bands instead of Wizarding ones. A few tables bear a hodge-podge of items to be browsed: band logo jewelery and keychains take up almost one in its entirety, heavily laden displays marked with band names for easy searching. The next is covered in sturdy white cardboard boxes filled with music-related magazines, each labeled on the front with the magazine's name. Thumbing through them, you'll find the newest issues nearest the front, and older issues toward the back. Continue further and you'll find more things that might catch your interest - binders full of old concert tickets, stickers, guitar picks bearing group names, banners, posters, and scrolls can all be found, if you look hard enough.

Atticus has taken care to organise the area to make finding what you're looking for as easy as possible, and precautions have been taken to make sure it stays that way. Should you change your mind about any item and set it down, you'll find that after a short time it will make its way back to where it belongs all on its own. Nonetheless, please do try not to make a mess, or you might find a slightly irritated magazine batting you on the back of the hand - all of its own accord, of course.
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