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Well this one was very enthusiastic, wasn't he? Julien still just eyed him for a bit. []b "What are you headed to study if you don't mind me asking?"[/b] He rarely trusted his own children let alone these students so if he was going to just let it slide that he was headed there for both. He wanted to know what exactly and maybe where were his other books. "Yes you were headed the right way. It's just up there a little further." Unless he was headed to the healer and afraid to say.
Still eye you child....
"I can see you are a Ravenclaw, but it's good to have a name with the robes. Landon I hope you are doing Ravenclaw good and earning points for them. It is my school house as well." So no funny business please. He looked at the books in his own hands, "No, I think I'm okay carrying them on my own, but you are welcome to walk with me. What is it you were studying again?" If it was charms maybe he could help.
Well.... HE wasn't a lot of fun now was he.
"I was?" see, confused! He was lost and hopeless as he looked over his shoulder. Huh.. weird. As for Studying he panicked.
"well, I was thinking of looking at a few runes books... I seem to struggle with them... though maybe if I did some extra care I might be better at gaining those points sir!" see, he could do this!
"I do love Charms though but .... runes are haaaaaard." and his little 11 year old mind couldn't grasp it even if he wasn't taking the class yet. He wanted to know as much as he could before he even got there... See, just an over ambitious Ravenclaw here doing more than necessary!