Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Ironically enough, Dot had seen someone perform this spell recently. A second year, one she was starting to think was probably going to be turn out to be very magically gifted if this spell was half as hard as Flamsteed made it seem. She looked around for Jaemin, hoping to give the boy a wink before turning her own hand to the spell.
The motion was easy enough, since she was just drawing counterclockwise circles over top the object she wanted to charm. The harder part was making sure that she ended her incantation at the exact closing of her wand motion. Dot drew a few circles in the air to get a feel for it.
"Derivo Gravitatem. Der-ee-vo Grah-vi-tah-tum." Not too hard, and no wonky multi-syllabic tongue twisters to worry about. Now she just had to pair them together... "Derivo Gravitatum." The wand made one counterclockwise rotation and ended as she spoke the last syllable.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |