Thread: Girls Dorms
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Old 05-20-2016, 08:31 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andromeda Renzler-Denaker
First Year
Fluttery Pegasi

SPOILER!!: Mossy
Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
Boring or not, they were staying and to make that point, Katherine folded her arms as if to say try walking over me. Besides, she had the Mr. Poppy or whatever here. Why didn't she play with that?

But anyways, of course Haddie had to be Haddie and open the cage. And of course her spell had to miss the bloody thing. The adrenaline peaked in Katherine's body as every muscle because ready to fight (or run). It felt like it was happening in slow motion - until the moment the thing perched on Haddie's shoulders. Huh? Wasn't it supposed to come hunt down her? Wait - before the animal itself could come at her, Haddie was - if this was a ploy to dislodge Katherine from this point and run away, it wasn't going to work. But they were coming closER and Katherine loved her pretty face TOO MUCH for it to be ruined by a stupid useless creature. She took half a step back and leaned backwards as dread filled her body.

"No, I-" Don't move away, this is a ploy, don't move - "I - yeah, so cute, yeah." Her hand barely touched it before Haddie finally moved away. There was a reason she didn't keep any of these animals - but of course, Haddie didn't remember that.

At least she didn't order the animal to attack.

Putting away her wand once they were at a safe distance, she casually shrugged. "And people don't like me, because I am more clever than them." Basically. And besides she liked to show it, but that was irrelevant.

Wait, what? Katherine was dumbfounded. No - Haddie didn't want to be her friend. And anyway, she thankfully had the attention span of a seven year, so Katherine didn't have to answer to that. Of course his name was Tucker, but who cared right now? And she would remember it soon enough, so all good.

"100% positive!" she said with a reassuring smile. Tucker, Dexter, Cooper - who cared? Not her. She hadn't cared before, and she wouldn't care in the future.

"Yes," she said as an answer. It was kind of cute to see kid!Haddie so hopeful and happy about having lots of friends. Apparently, she really didn't have many friends, but Katherine couldn't blame the muggles. Weird things did happen around wizards. Oh - Haddie was jumping on the bed.

"You're gonna fall -" and break the bed and that ferret is going to attack me FOR MERLIN'S BEARD SIT DOWN, Katherine wanted to scream, but she couldn't. Haddie was just a kid, a bed could easily be fixed, and she would catch Haddie before she hit the floor. As for the ferret, if that thing even FLINCHED...

Thankfully, it didn't take Haddie long to jump on the bed - to ask that question with the innocence of a kid. Katherine's blue eyes met hers for a moment as she struggled to answer. She didn't want to be honest as that would just break the kid's heart - even though the teenager version of that very kid hated and made fun of Katherine...

"This antidote isn't working," she said firmly in the end as she checked her watch, "come, we'll go visit the Professor. Your ferret should stay here and I mean it - you don't want it to ingest something it shouldn't in the lab." And with that, she made a gesture to leave.

The seven year old rolled her eyes sympathetically when Kat told her why people didn't like her. "That's a silly reason not to like someone." But then, even at seven she knew people were silly. Usually. "I like you, even if you are cleverer than me." See, they were great friends. Best friends even.

She hopped down from the bed. "You worry too much." Haddie jumped on the bed all the time and she never fell. Not once! Natalie did once though. It was hilarious. "Okay," she said. No tone, no protest, just a simple okay. Humming to herself the girl turned and picked up the ferret. "You have to wait here, Tucker. And we'll discuss a new name for you when I'm older." Because Tucker just didn't fit the guy. Haddie put him easily back into the cage. He was quiet tame and obedient to her. She liked that.

Then the girl turned and looked squarely at Mr. Poppy. "You too. You have to stay too." After that she positioned the two dolls and her wand on the bed before rearranging them a bit. No, that looked uncomfortable. She rearranged them again. And, there. Perfect. "Stay!" Haddie ordered the dolls and Mr. Poppy. "Ready, but you'll have to show me where it is, because I don't know." And this was a big place with too many floors and... "Can we get ice cream on the way?" she asked as she followed the older girl out of the room.

A few seconds later her head peaked back in, checking to see if the dolls had moved. They hadn't. She followed Kat down the stairs.
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