Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Heh. A FROG. Paul made a small frog noise but began to laugh a little too much to continue. The room really brought out the SILLINESS in him. "Well, I always enjoy a random and spontaneous visit, you know," he nodded and relaxed his shoulders. "How was your summer?" he was a little curious about...everything going on with her mother and with Henric...and all that drama. Ilia couldn't help but giggle a little at his frog sound. As long as it wasn't too toad like they were good. Ilia still wasn't quite over her fourth year encounter, just good at hiding it. " I thought you might and it might be nice to just have a visit instead of someone wanting something. " " It was very busy, I spent most of it at Henric's parents. They are really lovely people and I'm a bit better with muggle things now." Of course, that wasn't all of what he was asking. He was the only professor that knew of her situation. ".....she and I had a fight my second night home. She threw me out in the middle of the night...and said I was no longer a child of hers. So, I walked to Henric's and they took me in without a second thought." Yes she was happier with Henric and her freedom...but it still stung a bit. |