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Old 05-19-2016, 03:40 AM
AlwaysSnapesGirl AlwaysSnapesGirl is offline
Default The Ruins of the Daily Prophet

It had begun in the darkest hours of early morning, the smallest glow in the most central room of the empty Daily Prophet. The doors locked and the windows covered, it would be too late before anyone noticed the fire building rapidly inside. Whether it was an accident or arson, it is unclear, but one thing is plainly obvious.

The once looming headquarters of The Daily Prophet is now nothing more than a burned out shell.

Broken windows and charred wood are the first thing you’ll notice, followed by a pungent stench of burnt inky paper. Apparently, newspaper is highly flammable, and so the interior contains mostly destroyed furniture and piles upon piles of newspaper ash. Even if the employees were permitted to enter, there is nothing to salvage.

A hastily written sign is tacked to the crumbling door, simply reading: “Closed until further notice.”