all you • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Oh the young Gryffindors. Being consistent with their typical behavior in Justin's eyes. He had to smile at that. "You should listen to Miss Johansen here, Master Salander lying isn't meant to be taken lightly." Especially a bad one at that. "He rose a brow at the nickname from Miss Denaker and Miss Steven's growing silence, but given the circumstance there were more pressing matters.
Wasn't it about time to stop diddling around? Surely with this picnic they wanted to keep it going even if it meant elsewhere. Justin expected to hear a reaction from everyone, but oh well, no biggie. "You could argue your case all you'd like on staying here, but this area still isn't allowed to be approached without any staff's presence and permission." They wanted to see centaurs though apparently. "Centuars typically don't approach our areas to mingle unless necessary in which Professor Draper could explain more on why.. Give the Pathways or the Great Lake another chance. Some friendly creatures occasionally pop up there." Which was the truth.
Now was there anything left to settle? |