Thread: The Treehouse
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Old 05-18-2016, 09:06 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Zeke was very much an in-the-moment kind of guy, and while he often planned and schemed and had ideas... he was also comfortable with waiting to develop such things with a partner. Amur was his go-to when it came to these things, but Ilia's playfulness had him curious and amused - especially if it might get her into trouble with the mouse of a Head Boy. Ha!


But yes, plans, he was here to make them - the treehouse seemed a logical place to meet to discuss the plight of Hogwarts. Typically speaking, there were fewer Professors out this way than in the castle.

Making his way up with ease, the sixth year spotted his scheming companion, his lips splitting into a grin.

"You look like trouble already..." just saying.

Deep in thought as she looked the map over, her ears twitched as she heard someone approaching. The foot falls held a certain familiarity, the voice was music to her ears. Just who she'd been waiting for. His words managed to shift her stoic , doll-like expression to a playful smirk. Her ice blue eyes flicked up to his and her rosy lips held her smile. "I'm the fun kind of trouble for you though."

Ilia rose to her feet in a single motion, map still in hand. "So, I'm always serious when it comes to dragons you know." She wasn't just joking before, not about riding dragons at least. The question was, was Zeke ready and could he handle her? She was hoping she was right about the answer.
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