Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart Miranda just watched him... Why wasn't he letting the bloody ladder down.... " Okay... but... what in Merlin's name are you doing?" she called back up to him. This was very strange behavior indeed. He looked to be preparing for a jump out of the.... " Oh... do be careful!" He heard her. 'Be Careful' Those are words he hears all the time. What did that mean? "I'm not careful!" he yelled down to her once more. "I'm Torrance Ugo Spades!"
With that he took a few steps back. Only a few, not enough to get a running start. He didn't want to over jump his target. This was just going to be Operation Ugo Drop. "Here I go! Falling WITH Style!" He leap from his spot in the tree house and went through the opening. Now it was just up to gravity. Torrance was going to enjoy this for as long as he could. He stretched his arms out and bent his knees up just a little. He tilted his head back just some and felt the breeze of the wind hitting him from below take him into his happy place. His Flying place.
The Little Lion made contact with the Ground. As he suspected from his minor spill last term trying to climb the ladder the ground was charmed for his inevitable impact. It had cushioned his landing. Once his feet touched the ground they sank in before bouncing back upwards and he fell backwards on his butt. "SO AWESOME!" He yelled happily. peering up at the girl who had said she wanted the ladder.
His knees were shaking. he suspected from sheer excitement as he wobbled himself back up.
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