HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Melbourne looked up as she heard the familiar voice of the former Astronomy Professor and ghost…familiar of course because she had met her just last year on the tower patch. Mel wasn’t having an issue with Burbage being in the room after all maybe she could help with their lesson?
Melbourne raised her eyebrow when Burbage mentioned Newton was a studmuffin…what even were studmuffins she knew from her grandmother that studs were used in houses and apparently the little condo she had sold in new york had had none of those…it was rather hilarious actually as she had walked around the apartment mimicking the sound of the studfinder.
Wait….Flamsteed was a Studmuffin? Mel’s nose crinkled at the idea because no. Nope. Ew. He was all oooold and stuff. “Decoration?” Mel asked and looked from the ghost to Flamsteed. Turning towards Tenacius and then towards Hads she simply said one word. “Studmuffin?”
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |