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Landon twirled himself around at the sound of a voice and his eyes went wide. One because he as a professor, two because he had BOOKS!/
"Those!" He pointed at the few books the mad had in his hand. "I'm looking for their resting place!" He blinked a few times. "you know where they rest.. the uhm.. the lot of them...." Merlin he couldnt remember the --- "Library!" yes, i'm looking for the library.. i seem to have lost my way i think.
Julien couldn't help but look at the child in suspicion. Even a first year wouldn't be that lost for words, would he? Was the sorting hat finally to old to sort in correct houses. The child had Ravenclaw robes on, but was he truly a claw? It wasn't seeming that way at the moment.
"Books, these are books." Was English not his language? That could be it too... maybe?
"Are you looking for the library?" Was that the problem he was having? Goodness though he might need a primary school if he wasn't sure what they were even called. Oh yes there it was he finally remembered to use his words.
"You are on the right path to the library." He pointed down the corridor, but was still eyeing him.
"Are you going for reading or do you have some homework?"
Another question had come to mind,
"Have you been to lessons? I'm not sure I'm recognizing you yet, but I will apologize I'm still learning first year names." It was only October so he could have easily missed the child if he sat quietly in the back.