Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Quote:
Originally Posted by Jojogali Elsa kept brushing her fingers at the book's back, grinning to her self overtime one of them gave her a light shock of magic. Magic books were such wonderful things. She kept her gaze strained on the titles, looking for something that could help her with the book of Mysteria to help with hers, Mason and Kitty's mission. But so far none of these seemed to be capable of giving her some insight.
She sighed remembering her uncle's evasive tone when she asked him if he knew something. Of course he did. And he was not up to sharing. Or maybe thought it was a business she had no right sticking her nose in. She kept making her way between the bookshelves now crouching down to see some of the lower shelves properly. Azura was laying on the floor near one of the back bookshelves, her head was on her backpack and she had a book in her hand, but her purple eyes weren't exactly focusing on the words on the page.. She looked slightly distantly at the charms book and she sighed softly as she remembered the one that her mom had gotten her for dueling club..
She sighed again.. Wishing she could tell her mom about the O she had gotten in potions!
Tears started to come to her eyes for a moment.. And she closed them quickly.. Trying to push away the sad thoughts. |