Fluttery Pegasi Startled by being yelled at out of the blue, the red vial flew out of her hand. Haddie fumbled with it, trying to catch it, but she wasn't succeeding. If Newton hadn't come over and snatched it from her it would have surely shattered on the ground. The little girl tensed. One might think by this point in her life she was used to being yelled at. And she was. By her parents. Not by strangers. "Sorry."
After a few moments she followed the Professor to the front desk and took the offered seat. Her little legs were swinging absently beneath the desk. Boooooorrrreeeeed! Haddie was bored already. She reached for the vials that were on the desk, but they were just out of her reach. "I'm bored! What's in those?" She nodded to the vials.
What was that about a tortoise shell? She dropped one? "That doesn't sound like me." Actually, it sounded just like her. "I never drop anything." She dropped things all the time. Lost things too. Like her shoes. She still hadn't gone back to find them. "You still didn't answer my question. Why do you teach in a dungeon?"
Last edited by Callie; 05-18-2016 at 03:18 AM.