Fluttery Pegasi The child shook her head and moved deeper into the office. She rooted herself into one of the chairs. "Nuh-uh. I'm hiding. Plus, the shoes were too big anyway." She wasn't going anywhere. Haddie made herself more comfortable and started straighten on blonde haired doll's hair. "This one looks like me," she pointed out. As for were they took her. "I woke up in the dungeons. There was a guy with a rat and all these teenagers and kids standing over pots and they had the worst fashion sense. Like, you wouldn't even believe...!" She leaned closer to Kaysha and whispered, "They were wearing robes!" She gave the woman a nod as if to say, true story, and went back to playing with her doll's hair.
She knew it. Her sister and her both knew it. Magic was real. This was the fairy kingdom. Haddie must have gotten kidnapped by the enemies they were being hidden away from in the human world! She was having trouble sitting still in the excitement of having everything confirmed, but merely said, "Oh. We just called them humans." Her eyes darted to her forehead as if to check if there was a crown or not. "I don't have one. I was in hiding, so my crown is probably in the fairy palace waiting for me to come back." She was bouncing in the chair again and beamed. "Princess Hadley! But everyone calls me Haddie. Except when I'm in trouble. Then Mom calls me by my full name." Haddie mocked a stern expression and voice and waved a finger at the blonde doll. "Hadley Holland Denaker, you're in big trouble!" She leaned into Kaysha again. "I'm in trouble a lot."
Last edited by Callie; 05-17-2016 at 02:52 PM.