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Ansley couldn't help but to chuckle. That was very respectful of Julien and he really expected nothing less, but it wasn't all that necessary. "That's very thoughtful, thanks. But don't worry about it. This room is free for anyone to use and I usually keep it open during the day." He had found there were several that frequented the room regularly. Ansley glanced at the sketch on his canvas and gestured to the window. "Just the view. I found it rather inspiring today." Something about the lighting, he guessed.
He hadn't really noticed what Julien had been carrying until he set them drown and drew attention to them. "Whoa, these are for me? Are they real?" Ansley picked up one of the jars to get a closer look at it. Canopic jars were wicked cool and he didn't have any just yet. "Thanks, these are great," he looked up with a smile for the other man. That was a really nice and thoughtful gift. "No, it didn't quite work that way. Each jar had a specific organ, so an entire set of them would belong to one person." Hopefully none of the Egyptian curses were true though.
Wow, really? Ansley hadn't expected him to bring him back so much from his trip to Egypt, but perhaps the other man enjoyed history more than he was letting on. "Well, thank you, that is really very kind." Wondering what exactly was on it, he was interested in seeing if he could possibly translate it as well. "Summer was nice. It went by really fast. Got a little bit of work done, but nothing as exciting as going to Egypt," he added with a chuckle. Perhaps he should make it a point to go in the near future though.
So it seemed he could just come in and he nodded in that he understood. It wasn't something he would do often though, he was always one to knock and wait for entrance into places. Unless it was his children's rooms and then it was his job to not give notice when he was entering their rooms, though he did try to respect their privacy as well.
"I bet the students enjoy being able to come here. I was in the music room not long ago, a splendid place to help with the creative side. " Something he lacked at least in the art side of things, but he could appreciate them. He glanced out the window and nodded.
"Very nice, you have a great talent." He wondered why Ansley didn't find a profession in this, but teaching was a calling for many.
A chuckle left him as he stuck a hand in his front pocket,
"Yes they are real. I wouldn't be bringing you anything fake. What kind of person do you think I am Ansley." He was joking of course, but he was a man of his word.
"They were tricky to find I'll admit, but when I did I knew you would enjoy them." He looked at them closer now,
"A little creepy if you ask me. I'm not sure I care to have my organs or anyone else's for that matter just sitting in a jar." He was a a person who liked traditions and enjoyed history, but this one was just not his style maybe. The jars were interesting and he liked the shapes.
He was glad the man had a nice summer,
"Well we don't go often, but it was a bigger family event so it was very enjoyable." He glanced around the room wondering a few things but turned his attention back to Ansley,
"If you ever get a chance to go, you should. It is a great sight to see. The family really enjoyed it. If you see Benton around he could tell you from a child's point of view. We had went with my brother and his family."