Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Hadley nodded. "This week would be preferable, Professor." Her Mom had suggested she not delay in continuing her practice, and in all honesty she agreed. The little progress she had managed to make was small enough that any time off from practicing might erase it. The sooner really was the better.
The poison? Hadley hesitated. She wasn't that thrilled about his choice of starting potion, given how awful last time. "Only if I don't have to brew it while poisoned and you have actual antidotes on hand in the," extremely likely, "event that mine doesn't work." She nodded again, indicating her willingness to try that potion again. "Do you think we could work our way to animal related potions? Like the one that let us read our animals thoughts?" Which hadn't worked for her. "And ones that let you be an animal? Potions like that?" She knew she'd probably have to work her way up to those, but the were a goal to work towards. "This week? Alright," Art said with a nod. This week it was! Potion tutoring! Well this was going to be good. But he couldn't NOT let out a chuckle as she mentioned that she didn't want to be poisoned whilst brewing the antidote. "No poisoning, no poisoning. I'll... I'll triple check all ingredients b-before we... before we brew the potion." He would. DILIGENCE. His eyebrows went up, as they often did when he thought about things. Such as options and possibilities. "Hmm the animal whisperer? Y-yes of course we can. We just... we-we will reassess things as-as you go, does that sound like a plan?"
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |