Muggle Studies One: Old School Animation Professor Stewart is already present in the classroom when you arrive. She is waiting eagerly by the classroom’s door to greet each of her students as usual. She hopes that you’re wide awake this bright, sunny morning and are ready for the exciting lesson. After entering the room, you are to take your seat on one of the comfortable chairs with the desks attached to it. The desks are divided into two groups, one group on the left and one on the right so that there is a path in the middle of the room. This path will direct your attention to the laptop sitting on a small table at the back with a projector hooked up to it. Please do not trouble it, even though some of you may be curious. All will be revealed soon enough.
Take a moment to relax, get your writing apparatus ready and maybe even try to figure out what today’s lesson is all about though there are no clues about this. Class will begin shortly. OOC: HIHIHI, guys! Welcome to the first OOC MS lesson! Class will begin in about 24 hours! Please familiarise yourself with Kay’s rules before posting and also, kindly keep chatting to a minimum. Thanks! <3 Class has begun! CLASS PROGRESSION: 1. Name one of the characters & what do the five have in common? 2. Why do/did you watch animated shows or why did you never watch any? 3. Hand Drawn or Computer animation? Why? 4. Activity time! 5. Jaemin, Juno, Echo & OOC question for you all! 6. End of class! |