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It seemed so silly to him that Hattie would have forgotten how to get back to the moving staircases from the seventh floor. But, then again, this wasn't her territory. Her common room was down by the kitchens (which was THE BEST place for a common room if you asked him; Hufflepuffs certainly had that going for them). Had she been a Gryffindor, then she would've known the seventh floor like the back of her hand. He certainly did, among several other places within the castle.
Frankie chuckled when she made the comment about her wanting to be in the same House as him. Of course, he knew that she was joking. While it would have been fun, Hufflepuff was probably a better fit for her anyway. Though she clearly wasn't as good of a finder as they were known to be. Or maybe that was all just a rumour. Heh.
His head simply nodded when she explained why she was alone. Couldn't find anyone? Didn't want to be hanging around the dungeons? All valid reasons. "That's likely because everyone's at supper, silly goose," the prefect said, sticking out is tongue at her.
In reality Harriet had known that it was pretty hard to get lost up here. It was a pretty simple layout. So really she didn't know how she had gotten lost. But it was her first full day at the school, so she was just going to blame that on why she had gotten lost. Maybe she had been a little over ambitious at wanting to explore so much. But she had loved every bit of exploring that she had done. And at least she had found her brother. Now she wasn't going to be lost at all.
"I know they are" She mused with a little laugh as she looked up at her brother. "I'm going to go to supper. I just needed to remember how to get down to the great hall" But now she knew so it was going to be fine. "Are you coming Frankie?"