all of yous <3 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Whoah wait Melly got docked points? For what walking? His curly head spun between his friends and the Groundskeeper and then the tall man addressed them directly. He lowered his hand that had the offered drink and stood. Think quickly Salander! "Uhm wait!... Actually its none of their faults-- its me. I wanted to go see Centaurs and Abraxans and hey yeah, that’s why we got food." Makes sense yeah? "That’s why we're at the edge of the forest Mr McLeod-- of course we're not gonna go in. Because its forbidden." So theyre not that dumb, Ravenclaw presence notwithstanding. "Yeah we are taking a chance, but given that there isnt any other place we know of that has Centaurs within spying distance, we thought-- hey why not see if they'd show up and share a drink or a bite? Centaurs would appreciate a kind invitation innit?" |