Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Well.....this was taking a turn for the disastrous....she watched all of her classmates carefully.....some of them were doing dumb things. Granted she was a snake not a raven...but children flying and clinging to stems was not good....tiny wandering children was not good.....and crazy lion babies dropping giant leaves at their classmates was dumb and not good!!! Timber was not what she wanted to hear as a inky dinky speck sized person right now! Leaves falling should not be a life concerning threat! Being tiny in the first place was highly unamusing, even more so now. Ilia was not pruning anything or getting in the middle of anything nope. Ilia was standing with her back against the stem hiding from the dumb things and waiting to go back to being a real girl thank you very much......why did she keep coming back to this school!? Hot boyfriend.....last term....hot boyfriend....last term.... |