SPOILER!!: Azura
Originally Posted by
MunchyBubbles Uh.. oh. Azura looked up at the Rose that suddenly seem to tower thousands of feet over her. She seemed shorter and shorter every second! They.. had to prune the rose right? But.. Uhh..
Did that mean they had to climb?
Azura's were no good at climbing, she had learned this last year during the first charms lesson.. She fell right off the wall after Austin had abandoned her!! *sigh*
But if that's what they had to do.. It's what they had to do.. She pushed her toe into the soil.. it felt soft enough should she tumble downwards.. so hopefully she wouldn't tumble to her doom!
Hopefully.. Death by soil was not how she wanted to go.. Though..
Azura's face spasmed for a moment before the pushed the thought to the back of her mind and focused solely on the task at hand.. Climbing the rose.
She walked over to the stalk and swallowed a bit as she put her hand on a handy thorn. "Fwoopers protect me." She whispered as she started to climb up the rose.
Azura was the first one to start climbing, and honestly, Paul more wanted them to LEVITATE each other, which was safer....ish, depending on the levitator. So he waved his wand and held Azura up using the spell.
"Go ahead and prune NOW, m'dear, I've got you!" he cried, smiling up at her.
He was just WORRIED.
SPOILER!!: Salander
Originally Posted by
Steelsheen Hehehehe Plantman nearly choking on his tea. Just like all the adults in his life. Curly Top Choker that’s him!
Everything is so BIG and he's just having a BLAST. He grabbed the salt buckets and was just tossing salt everywhere, like blessings in a wedding. Salt for you, salt for them, EVERYBODY gets Epsom salt!
Oh oh next riddle....
... And he STILL didn’t really know the answer to that. Or if it requires an answer. Snip snip snip when when all these roses look like trees to him? Sounds more like he should yell--
This frightened Paul.
"TIMBER? No--DON'T---" he stopped, seeing that boy hadn't actually cut ANYTHING. Pfft
. "Don't make ANYTHING GO TIMBER IN HERE--" meaning...the roses. Don't cut the stems!
SPOILER!!: Jaemin!
Originally Posted by
Ameh Hehehe. The professor was telling people to listen to him. That was so cool. It made Jaemin feel a little bit bigger, despite being so small. Helping his mom with her nursery and helping his dad with experiments and stuff was just plain fun for him, but it gave him lots and lots of good Herbology information too! The tiny Slytherin moved to help distribute some of the epsom salts that the professor had summoned forth, making sure to spread it nicely near the base of the plant especially.
He was still rather unhappy about being small though. That was not going to go away with a little bit of praise over his answers, Paul! Not. At. All. And there were still more riddles to be solved before he could grow again... it was a good thing they were all Herbology-based, and centered around things he knew. Because otherwise he would probably never be able to solve them.
This one clearly meant that they were to do pruning stuff; while Jaemin preferred using pruning shears, because they were essentially big scissors and he couldn't do magic outside of school, he knew the spell for pruning stuff. His dad did it all the time, and he'd been working on mastering it since last year. It was good to know how to do stuff both ways, just in case.
Knowing the spell, however, was the easy part apparently. Because Jaemin, like everyone else, was extremely small at the moment, and the bits that needed pruning were much higher up than he could reach. SEE PAUL? SEE? This was why being itty bitty bug-sized was WRONG. The small boy stepped closer to the base of the plant and touched it lightly, looking straight up.
Some other students were working together, levitation and stuff like that... but Jaemin did not like the idea of another student levitating him in the air. He had to figure out a way to get up into the plant though... maybe he could catch one of the offshoots far up above his head, pull it down, and climb onto it? And then it could go back up to where it was supposed to be, and he could go with it, and then he could get some of the dying parts off around it!
Good plan team. Good plan.
Jaemin held his wand up, pointing it at one of the 'branches' way up above his head. The thing was like three times as thick as his entire body, which meant it would totally be able to hold him... right? Right. Frowning in concentration, the small boy gave his wand a rather violent whip and called out the best spell he could think of.
"Carpe Retractum!"
The goldish rope that shot out of his wand flew up, up, up... and looped around the thick 'branch'. SCOOOOOOORE. Grinning, Jaemin gripped his wand with both hands, and pulled as hard as he could... and the 'branch' did not bunch a single inch. Or a milli-inch. It didn't move at all, because Jaemin was ant sized and this thing was full grown tree sized. He was so used to plants being bendy that he hadn't considered how hard it would be to bend them when he was miniaturized. He wasn't going to give up this easily though. He gave another vicious tug, which resulted in... nothing.
Except, you know, the spell was designed for something to get pulled. Since the 'branch' was not going to get pulled, because it was much too big and heavy for the pint-sized (more like raindrop sized, if they were measuring) Slytherin to get enough force for, it was the unfortunate side-effect that the spell just... launched the small boy up into the air, straight into the plant. Jaemin let out a rather tremendous yelp at the sudden jerk of his wand; he didn't dare let it go, for fear that it would go flying and never come back, and a moment later his feet were MILES AND MILES (inches and inches) from the soil and he was clinging onto the 'branch' his spell had caught onto, fingers scrambling to get a good hold so he wouldn't plummet to his (cushioned) death.
Smol boy ricocheting into the air. REPEAT. SMOL BOY RICOCHETING INTO THE AIR. Paul GASPED, setting
Azura onto the ground quickly before going to deal with THAT. "
JAEMIN!" he yelled.
OH dear. OH DEAR OH DEAR. Paul SIGHED and looked at his watch. Maybe...he had TWO more riddles to do...but MAYBE he should just...big them up again and give them all a rose-to-go. Like takeaway plants or something.
"You all KEEP pruning--LEVITATING, YES--I am going to find Mr. Song and we will become BIG again!" he said.
SPOILER!!: Fiyero
Originally Posted by
MadMadamMalfoy This place would make an awesome obstacle course, Fiyero thought as he climbed higher. They could use the thorns to climb and slide down the leaves... or maybe bounce on the tops of the flowers. Oh well, no time to think about it now...
Focusing once more on the task at hand, Fiyero spotted a dead leaf nearby. But how was he supposed to cut it? The riddle said something about using his wand and he'd heard one of the older students mention a trimming charm. Flipnsnipwitit?! That didn't sound like a real spell, but they probably knew better than he did. So he decided to give it a go.
"Flipnsnipwitit!" he cried, pointing his wand at the dead leaf.
Fiyero looked at the leaf, but the spell didn't seem to have any effect on it, except maybe a cut that was too small for him to see. Apparently the spell a normal-sized person used to prune plants wouldn't work here; it seemed more drastic measures were called for. Now what should he try?
He thought for a minute. Then he remembered hearing about a severing charm. But what was the spell? Oh yeah!
"Diffendo!" Once again, he pointed his wand at the leaf.
That worked better... well sort of. The spell had made a decisive cut through the leaf, but now it was dangling precariously from the stem. Fiyero panicked; it looked like it might fall on his calssmates! Without thinking twice, he grabbed the leaf, fighting with all his strength to pull it back. He lost his grip on the thorn he was holding onto in the process, and the leaf pulled him down with it. He landed on the soil with a
. [/COLOR]
Another one bit the dust.
"ARE YOU OKAY, M'boy?" he asked as he squinted into the thicket of roses, trying to assess WHERE Jaemin was. He might just summon the boy. BUT THORNS >.<
Originally Posted by
VRSCIKA Ilia blushed a bit with a smile at the professor's over the top applause. To have a grown man applaud her impromptu, made her feel good and more sure about her songs. She bowed her head slightly for him. Like the others she did spread the Epsom salts around and then waited for the next riddle.
The next riddle, hmm how to word this one for him....
"Death brings new life, there need be no strife, the end comes soon, for that which we prune." The blonde tied her long hair back and looked up at the plant. The best way was probably just distance spell work....unless she could summon and shrink her broom....She could climb but....maybe she could shoot a partner into the air....Henric? Zeke? ....it was kind of fun getting shot into the air really.
Normally, appreciated. But Paul merely smiled in her direction...ugh.
He sighed and ruffled his wig!hair.
"Everyone--I think we're going to get big------------HOLY SCREECHSNAP!" he YELLED, realizing...Blaise...BLAISE HAD WALKED OUT. BLAISE BELLAIRE HAD WALKED OUT, AND PAUL HAD LET HIM. And..BLAISE HAD DRUNK THE TEA. o;igherufgheiuwrhgirtehgirthgirthgiurthgiurhtgiurt hgiuhrtgiuhrtgiurthg
WAS HE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE ALL SMALL AND...oh GOSH! Paul would need--GOODNESS! Panic riled up in his heart, and HAD to fix it ALL. But he had to REMAIN CALM.
"I am going to make us back to normal size as SOON as I procure Mr. Song! I had TWO MORE RIDDLES but--I think--" he checked his watch. Twenty minutes early. "
It's the first day of class--I'll let you all out early!" LIES. He was just freaked out by...hIS MISTAKES.
"Finish whatever pruning you've begun and gather around in the middle here."
AH! He spotted the boy.
"Jaemin, I am going to levitate you DOWN so don't PANIC!" he called out. Granted, the ground was...softened. Cushioned. But that didn't mean the boy wasn't scared. He gave his wand a flourish and gently lifted the boy up slightly and...then...slooooooooowly brought him back towards him, and then...
A soft thud as he set Jaemin down. There.
"All right. BIG TIME?"