Post 1 <--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
An aging potion was interesting considering the professor teaching them looked like he could literally drop from his seat any moment. Why would they want to do that? Note to self: Do NOT over do it on any of the ingredients. Problem solved. Perhaps they should be making some sort of youthful potion. She knew a certain somebody that would benefit greatly from that.
No matter.
She paid attention as best she could as the professor stumbled through the directions. He really was a cute man in that 'old grandpa' sort of way. AJ sort of wanted to pinch his cheeks, but she didn't know if he would recover. Instead she got up and gathered the required ingredients that she didn't have at her station. There. She was ready to get this show on the road.
Picking up her wand, she cried, "Scourgify." Perfect. Her cauldron and every piece of equipment that she would be using was clean. That was Potion 101. All it took was getting your potions vanished a couple of times for you to remember that little tidbit.