Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul opened the door a minute later, seeing Azura sniffling. He let Zelda, his collie, go, and the dog jumped right into the water and doggy-paddled over to Azura excitedly. She rested her front paws and her chin on the lily pad, trying her best to lick Azura's nose. Her tail was wagging so hard it was propelling the lily-pad a little bit, water sloshing around quite a bit from it as well. "Remember my other dog I had here last term? Charles Fluffington? He was quite I brought one of our other dogs, Zelda, with's a muggle name," he added. Paul was under the impression Zelda was a common muggle name. "She seems to enjoy it here a lot more than he did. So..I think I'll probably be bringing her every term if I can..." he chuckled. Azura pushed up a little on the Lily pad and wiped her eyes when she saw a dog bound out of the office and straight into the water!! She actually let out a soft giggle as it paddled right towards her and put it's head up on the Lily Pad and tried to lick her nose. She leaned her head forward just a bit so the dog could indeed lick at her.. getting her slightly wet in the process..
She gently rubbed the Dog's head.. "Hello there Zelda." She said as she looked up at the Professor. "Mmm, I think I remember him.. and aww, that's so sad. I hope he's better now?" She asked, feeling some concern for the other puppy before grinning.. "She's awfully adorable." She said with a warm smile. |