SPOILER!!: Azura
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Azura had to at least let a little smile grace her lips as Professor Paul talked about what happened at the Feast. "Well, that's perfectly understandable. I mean, you were probably so tired from your trip, you didn't remember anything." She nodded her head as she pulled some of her black hair forward to play with as he spoke more. "Well, I thought it looked pretty cool actually. But, that's just me." Yes, Azura was trying to make him feel better.. because that is what she did. And it was the truth.. His clothes were like a ray of sunshine in the sea of black. "It made me smile, and lately, I haven't been smiling much."
She didn't mean to be morose or depressed.. it was just the truth. She hadn't been smiling much. She was still in shock.
She nodded at his next words.. "It IS hard.. I.. can't sleep much. I get nightmares.. and food..just tastes like ash.. but.. I'm trying." She really was. She was trying as hard as she could to get through this.. Alone really. The less people knew about this.. the less attention she drew to herself.
"I know it's okay to feel sad. I do feel sad.. and I know it's okay to feel happy, but.. " She shrugged as she trailed off. She had to force herself to be happy lately.. because if she didn't.. everyone would find out. And those she had told.. didn't seem to want anything to do with her..
A few tears came to her eyes as he spoke.."It's okay Professor Meyers, Thanks for letting me talk to you." She said in a soft voice as she watched him get up and then nearly fall over! Azura almost stood up as well, but he righted himself and then took off.. and she was left alone.. She lay down on the Lily pad.. tears streaking out of her eyes as she looked upwards..
Paul opened the door a minute later, seeing Azura sniffling. He let Zelda, his collie, go, and the dog jumped right into the water and doggy-paddled over to Azura excitedly. She rested her front paws and her chin on the lily pad, trying her best to lick Azura's nose. Her tail was wagging so hard it was propelling the lily-pad a little bit, water sloshing around quite a bit from it as well.
"Remember my other dog I had here last term? Charles Fluffington? He was quite homesick...so I brought one of our other dogs, Zelda, with me...it's a muggle name," he added.
Paul was under the impression Zelda was a common muggle name. "She seems to enjoy it here a lot more than he did. So..I think I'll probably be bringing her every term if I can..." he chuckled.
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Finally standing was not something Dante liked to do and standing and waiting was testing his patience. Which was not that great to begin with. Dante walked into the room and was actually impressed. Better than his old office that was for sure. But now how was he suppose to get to him
"Professor Paul please tell all i have to do is just jump on over to you and that's it."
He was overthinking a bit. But you never know. Professor Paul could have suddenly got inspiration to have it become a game or obstacle course to reach his desk.
Dante would believe it.
It was Dante!
Paul smiled at the boy and gestured him over.
"Just hop right over--it's possible to fall in, but it's not deep enough to cause any harm." He was glad to see the boy....who was certainly getting older and was probably more of a MAN nowadays, actually.
"I hope you're doing all right. How was your summer? Had fun? Relaxed? READY TO LEARN?" Quote:
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At the sound of his voice, Esme opened the door. Immediately she was greeted with music coming from his banjo. Of course; a pond was the perfect place to play because it was so serene. If she had an instrument with her she would have loved to join in and they could play music together. As it was that could wait for another time.
"Hello, Professor Myers," she said as she carefully joined him on his lily pad. Not exactly easy when holding brownies but it was what it was. "I hope you are well. I like the new layout." She glanced around wondering if this was his new office because he wasn't telling her to go in his old one. How much work could someone get done on a lily pad? Ehhh. "I brought brownies," she said as an afterthought, still wondering how an office like this worked.
"Ah, thank you, m'dear," he paused his playing for a minute to wave and smile at her. "
BROWNIES!" he cried, setting his banjo aside
carefully. He actually picked it up again to put it in its CASE so that it wouldn't get wet by accident or anything.
"Yes--I needed a more interesting meeting space with you all. And also somewhere more interesting and stimulating for my brain to get work done," he smiled. "
Just step on the lily-pads, m'dear."