Join your fellow peers on a weekend excursion to Sweden for a chance to broaden your knowledge of both brooms and dragons . We're going to be visiting a dragon reservation and will also have front row seats to the famous annual broom race that runs through Sweden. Other reasons why you should sign up for the trip is the unique opportunity to get to know your housemates outside the castle through the various activities we'll be experiencing together. Participating student and faculty will stay at a local bed and breakfast that will provide meals during the trip.
ϟ important information Who: all students & faculty
When: October 27 - 29
Where: Arejeplog, Sweden
Meeting Point: Courtyard on the grounds with luggage.
Departure via portkey from school grounds: October 27 @ 10 AM
ϟ items to bring (but not limited to)
muggle day wear & pajamas
comfortable shoes
Personal hygiene products like toothbrush
personal water container
signed permission slip from parent/guardian
I hereby grant permission for my son/daughter/ward _____________________ to participate in a School Field Trip to Arjeplog, Sweden from October 27-29. I understand this trip is optional and attendance by my child is not required, nor will it affect my child's position or grade at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry if my child elects not to participate.
(Parent or Guardian Signature)
sign-ups will be open for the duration of the event!
OOC: We we will have a little IC field that you may choose to participate in! Please keep in mind that by signing up you are pledging time to an RP opportunity that we the school staff are offering all your student characters to have fun in.
Twitter characters will not be allowed on the trip, only your active student characters.
A special trip forum will be created/appear sometime on
May 13th and will remain open to play in until at least
May 22nd. This forum will remain open until the conclusion of the trip, so feel free to join in at any point!
Any questions or concerns may be directed to me,
Nordic Witch or anyone else on school staff via VM or PM.