dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle listened to all of the answers that her classmates gave and watched as the professor drew parts of the rose. When told, she went up to the front of the room and formed a circle with the other students. And then.......the big reveal. Their drinks had been spiked with what? She knew it! Janelle had a feeling that something was up and for that reason, her tea sat untouched in front of her.
They were going to shrink. Shrink! But Janelle hadn't drunk her tea yet. Apparently Professor Meyers had taken that into consideration. Before Janelle could ponder the thought that they were about to visit the Land of the Giants, she was shrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkiiiiiinnnnnggggg. Well Janelle hadn't seen that coming. She was now a very mini version of her former self, standing in soil. Looking up, she saw the rose bush that now seemed to be the size of a giant redwood. The roses did seem kind of cool from this new perspective, but........she really wanted to be big again.
Since they were going to have to solve riddles, Janelle knew she had to have her wits about her. She tried not to focus on how small she was. Instead, she had to focus on the task at hand. With a sigh, Janelle waited for the professor to give them instructions. She was glad that she still had her wand, just in case.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |