Rooney, Blaise, Professor Myers + MOVING FORWARD! Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese To be totally honest, Olivia was a bit confused as to what had just transpired here. One moment, she and Rooney were beaming and gushing at one another (because BESTIES5EVER), her fingers coiffing his hair......and in the next.....Well, a lot of words were being spoken and because she was a bit slow on the uptake (to be fair, a lot was going on), she'd missed 85% or them. Her one takeaway, however.......was that Blalse and Rooney were not huge fans of one another.
That made her so sad.
....and her Blaise had left? Why?....AND points were being taken away, not that Liv really understood the whole concept of house points. Sure, it was a nice thought, working towards the House Cup as a group, but eh...? The blonde tended to lose a lot of points and that made her kinda indifferent about it. IT WASN'T HER FAULT, OKAY?! She was just free spirited, and sometimes the Professors didn't understand her! Mostly. "Twinkle twinkle, little bat, how I wonder what you're at? Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky."...was Liv's only response to Rooney's mutterings, her own voice dropping decimals to enact some dramatic stage whispering. No, no cupboards for you, Rooney, our love! But we were interested in some Beauty and the Beast waltzing later, if you weren't too busy with being a boss. Just so you know!
AND SHE COULD KEEP THE CUP. Stage 1? C h e c k! Stage 2? Figure out how to animate it......because Olivia's transfiguration skills were nonexistence at this point. TRULY DISMAL. Actually, there weren't words invented yet to describe how terrible she was at the subject, which was DEPRESSING. All she wanted in life (along with food and her pointe shoes) was to stand in a field of flowers and animate them to dance around her. That's it! HER DREAMS WERE DASHED WITH HER FAILURE.
Oh, look. She'd gotten distracted again in her own mind.
Wait. What?!
There'd been no time to contemplate shrinkage, as she'd already started to dwindle in size. What? WHAT?! THEY WERE ABOUT TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE....A TINY SIZED adventure....among the roses?!?!?! How very Tiptoe Through the Tulips this was. BUT YAS. OLIVIA WAS HERE FOR IT. BRING. IT. ON. #Gryffindor ALSO, OLIVIA COULD TOTALLY BE ALICE, TOO, AND SHE AND PROFESSOR MYERS COULD ENACT SCENES IF HE WANTED!!!!! Sigh. Perhaps later, though, because the lesson and everything. SHE JUST WISHED HOGWARTS HAD A THEATER CLUB.
As an aside, the even SMOLER smol blonde discarded her tea!soaked tiny robes....marveling at how HUMONGOUS the roses looked from this angle. There may have also been stars in her eyes. Professor Myers may (or may not have) just elevated himself to No. 1 Professor in her eyes. Could they have lessons like this everyday?!?!?!? "Professor Your Grace, may I have some more tea?" Was he planning to share? Hmm? But yes, other than that, she was ready. AND ROONEY, PLEASE DON'T GO ANYWHERE. We'll need your beautiful Ravenclaw mind in solving riddles, because....her brain was rather problematic regarding those.
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Last edited by Govoni; 05-11-2016 at 01:42 PM.