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Old 05-11-2016, 12:51 PM   #159 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Mason stared at the Professor in utter bewilderment. . . he just spiked their tea. . .? HER PRECIOUS TEA! Why the hell was he so casual about this??? Was this even legal????

Obviously Myers had an obsession with Alice, cause he seemed to be taking the exact route that the book had taken. . . hopefully he would feed them in the end, so that they could grow. ;___; She wished that he could let them grow, since she was still a lil Hobbit-person.

And since there was nothing that she could do about the whole Shrinking-business, she was gonna go to the front and join them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What else was there to do? She wasn't gonna storm out the way Weird-Gryff-Dude had, cause that was just lame.

She got up from where she sat at the desk and made her way to the front, glaring at the discarded cup of tea that she had left there. It had betrayed her and all that she ever did was love it. Anddddd they were staring at a Rose-bush. . . how fu-

MERLIN, was the rosebush getting bigger or was the potion kicking in? Obviously is was the latter, since duh, rosebushes could just magically GIANT-EFY (that needed to be a word) Mason's stared in awe as her surroundings giant-efied, wondering whether or not she'd die on this expedition, cause she was probably gonna get squished. . . or eaten.

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