Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium So her answer hadn't been nothing elaborate but it had been correct and that was good enough for her. At least she had even answered. And whatever commotion happening with some students whom had gotten up and walked out was already passed her. It wasn't her business.
Notes was her business however. Once more grabbing her quill Hady jotted down the rest of the notes as well as the sketch of the rose. Drawing had become easier for her since her lessons in portrait painting, only she didn't have time to be completely perfect here. Once her notes were taken she pushed the parchment and quill aside to take a nice long sip of her tea. The brunette would've liked to have drank more of it only the class was being told to come and stand around the bush. With a small sigh she set down the teacup, rose to her feet and walked over to stand with everyone else.
Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear she listened as the lesson was somewhat explained to them. They would be shrinking down to a tiny size due to the tea they had drank. Wait...shrinking?!
Hadleigh grinned! Awesome! Her hazel eyes sought out Zeke for a brief second wondering if he remembered years ago when they had learned to shrink things during a lesson. How they had talked about shrinking each other and such. That had been so long ago already.
She was ready though. And as she felt herself getting tinier and tinier she couldn't help but look around in amazement. Her feet touched down on soil of the rose bush. It was so cool! A lot like changing into an animal for lessons and seeing things at a different view point only she was still very much herself. Whatever was about to happen the Professor could make it happen, she was ready.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |