:3 crappy phone post Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George Mason gave Mel a wide grin. OBVIOUSLY they were lucky. Their House was the sexiest, so it was kinda expected that they would have a Hawt Head.
Before she could say this to Mel, however, a voice from behind interrupted their adventure. It hadn't even begun yet and it was already done. . . cause said voice was none othere thaN McDreamboat himself. . . -__- perfect. Mason peered out from behind the tree, looking at origin of the voices. . . was that Haddie? And a random Curly? Were they on a date? What? At least she and Mel wouldn't be the only ones in trouble. . .
Why was he even asking? They were trying to go on an adventure, duh. But it would be fricken STUPID if that was the answer she gave. So with her best innocent-smile plastered on her face, she turned to her new Head of House, "Oh, Professor McLeod! What a nice surprise seeing you here!" She was playing dumb, cause dumb-people did dumb things and usually got away with it. "It's just what Haddie said! We're having a picnic! Haddie just turned 13 and we wanted to celebrate! Mel and I were running a little late, since I was at the Quidditch Pitch and she was waiting for me."
She flashed him another smile and tugged at Mel's arm, leading her towards were Haddle and unknown-Curly Head sat. "Do have anymore Butter beer?" See? Just an innocent picnic with a bunch of innocent kids. . . totally wasn't about to sneak in there. |