Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Daxton was the kind of person with a lot of aggression, as was showcased in one memorable Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson last term, and so a room like this was perfect for him. As it was, however, Daxton had not wanted to come anywhere near the Defence classroom in case he ran into Hirsch.
Whom he hated.
A lot.
And did not trust.
At all.
But the desire to punch the snot out of one of the practice dummies had won over, and so here Daxton was. He likely would not be able to keep up any sort of activity level for long, given a total lack of stamina for a whole multitude of reasons, but he intended to work off some of that omnipresent rage that always seemed to be rearing its head these days.
Someone was already here, though. Daxton, realising this, had been about to make a quick exit before he could be noticed, before seeing exactly who it was. Instead he paused, and entered the training room too, but did not greet his Gryffindor... ally.
Compared to Dora, he was by no means prepared for any sort of workout, dressed in the school shirt and trousers of his uniform, but that did not stop Daxton from approaching one of the dummies and immediately launching a full force kick at the stupid thing.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |