♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter Hm? Justin felt another presence nearby and he looked over and.. Aw. How sweet, was that for him? He grinned down at the little guy before taking it. "Why thank you, Master Song. How was your summer?" Jaemin grinned right back at the groundskeeper and took a bite of one of his own gummy worms, taking care to swallow it before speaking because talking with food in your mouth was impolite. And Jaemin was not impolite.
"I did experiments with my dad. Potions experiments." He nodded lightly. "And I went to the Quidditch thing and got to pet things, so my summer was good. Was yours, sir?" The small boy licked ice cream off the remains of the bitten worm before continuing. "Do you like living out on the grounds? D'you get to do whatever you want out there?" |