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Old 05-10-2016, 11:09 PM   #118 (permalink)
Uncle Moose
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Von Culpepper
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Taliesin Dane
First Year
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Default Post 1
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

First! Potions was a Fun class. Torrance would not deny that. The Outcomes and the effects were always awesome. He just wished that all the Potions were done all the time. Preparation of the Potions were not his strong suit they were just always way to many steps. Which was why the Young Lion always took the front of the class. Especially here. He'd get too lost in thought otherwise. He took his Notepad and a quill and began jotting down everything that was on the blackboard. Plus some extra citations

SPOILER!!: Tory's Notepad

Aging Potion
100ml Red Wine don't drink it you'll get in super trouble
10ml Prune Juice Also don't drink it....Gross
2g Hairy fungus, mashed probably does not resembled Mashed Pototoes as the end product
2g Tortoise Shell, powdered Powdered!? What the What!?
5g Caterpillar, sliced Ask for forgiveness from Mother Butterfly
1 Bat Tongue, diced don't mistake it for bacon bits later on

Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown) Note for later: Add prune juice to Uncle's Julien's Wine without him looking. Reaction could be awesome and totally worth the risk
Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color) the hell do you get a a tortoise shell into a fine dust?!?! Elbow grease my Butt!
After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.

Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced probably because you gotta destroy a tortoise shell
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age side thought: Maybe the Tortoise shell has some major effect on the Potion itself? Does the Age of the Tortoise the shell came from mean that you'd grow older if used from a Tortoise who lived like....Loads of Years? Because whoa those Reptiles can get really Old!

Once finished he looked over each of his tools. Taking out his wand the young lion went down the line of them scourgifying practically everything...even his gloves and goggles twice over. It wasn't over precaution either. He just wasn't sure if when he went down the line if he had actually cleaned the bowl and little crushy-thingy-grip-thing. He left his station briefly after to retrieved all of his ingredients. Double the amount too because he was sure he'd mess up. Yes that part was precaution.

Step one! Mash up the Fuzzballs. He lifted two of them and placed them in the bowl. he took the grinder next...THAT'S WHAT IT WAS CALLED DUH! and began to slowly mash them up until it looked like gross mash. Easy peasy.

Followed next by slicing the caterpillar. Yeah he was going to skip the crushing of the Tortoise shell until the idea of it made sense in his head. He laid the tiny bug out in front of him and picked up the small knife. Taking it and carefully slicing down the caterpillar. "Sorry Caterpillar. Sorry to you Mom too, but you're dead and I need you so." He muttered silently to himself as he finished cutting up the caterpillar.

Torrance scourgifyed his knife after. Brushing the sliced caterpillar to the side then setting the bat tongue in front of him. He cut down the length of the tongue, then stopped for a moment. Something about cutting up a tongue made him cringe for a minute.....Ugh Merlin....he was cutting up tongue. The thought was more about his own tongue than the tongue in front of him. He shook his head briefly then looked down at the bat tongue once more. Okay okay It's cool. You're never gonna loose your Tongue Torrance. You're Tongue is Cool, your tongue belongs to you. It won't ever be needed for potions. Unless...could you sell your body to Potions Labs after Death? Not that he would just....Wait wait! The Bat Tongue. He shook his head once again finished cutting it down in length.

Ummm...ummmm What was next? He looked back at his notes and just went back up to the Tortoise shell. Okay...He was going to have to do that eventually.
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