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Old 05-10-2016, 09:10 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Heading up Dora pulled on her gloves and carefully measured and weighed the ingredients quietly. YEP. She was CONCENTRATING! In fact she was so focused that she had poked her tongue out between her teeth ever so slightly as she worked. Once she was done with her gathering the blonde carefully made her way back to the workstation, ingredients in hand.

Once she had laid each and every one out in a neat little row, from which ingredient she used first to what she used last, she was READY TO GO! Lab coat, CHECK! Goggles, CHECK! Wand to light the flame? CHEEEECK! This. THis was her favorite part of Potions class EVERRRR! FIRE! Her wand was PERFECT for starting fires, you see. So she was always invigorated when she got the opportunity to start the flame with magic. Besides, the kid was a bit of a pyro anyway. HEHE.
Having kinda missed the question as she went to shut the door at the request of the professor, Sam returned to her seat to ponder why exactly someone would want to brew an aging potion. Being an adult seemed to bring responsibilities - none of which her Pa set a very good example of doing, looking at other people's parents - and she was already facing the reality of her childhood hiding places being too small. Somehow, even without last term's poisoning incident to take into account, she didn't think she'd want to be taking this one. Old seemed like a whole lot less fun. Deaging, on the other hand...

Of course, she'd still try her hardest to brew the potion successfully, advanced level or otherwise. It couldn't be that bad, with only six ingredients, right? Except she only had four on her desk. Wasn't someone meant to be passing them round, whilst she was closing the door? Huh. With a shrug, she followed Dora up to fetch the missing ones, along with some of the measuring cup thingys.

"Wanna pair up?" she asked the Gryffindor, after she had laid everything out. She waited until Dora had lit the fire under her cauldron too, so as not to break her concentration. And she knew Dora WAS concentrating, despite the excitement in her eyes at the flame, cos her tongue was just a liiiiittle bit showing between her teeth. It was a tell, of sorts, and a smile couldn't help but curl on Sam's lips as she watched.
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