Antipodean Opaleye
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 9,632
| Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George SPOILER!!: Red Queen
Paul was running late, but for very good reason.
He was ....ah, getting ready. He glanced at his watch, GASPED, and fixed the wig atop his face without smearing ANY of the paint, and quickly ran to his first Herbology lesson of the term...in heels. What a feat! Milton would have been proud. Paul was PROUD OF HIMSELF, thank you very much.
Regardless of what the students were doing, Paul BURST into the greenhouse, slamming the door open QUITE dramatically. "WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED? WHO has been panting MY ROSES RED?!" he cried, VERY much in character, GLARING at his students like he had never glared at them before. Did he look menacing? He was going for menacing. He grabbed a fistful of the red roses from a nearby bush and pulled them from the rest of the bush, internally wincing at the PLANT MURDERING he was doing, but this was all for character AND he could fix them in a moment. The roses turned white as soon as he touched them, and he throw them on the ground. "Who dares to paint--the vulgar paint!--the royal flower bed?! For painting my roses red...SOMEONE WILL LOSE HIS HEAD!" Or her or unspecified. Ahem. Paul wanted to add.
And end scene. Paul smirked....began laughing...hysterically...and then took a bow because what a LOVELY performance that had been. He grabbed a cup of tea from one of the tables and moved to sit on the table in the front, crossing his feet at his ankles like he'd seen his mother do countless times while wearing a dress. He sipped his tea. "Everyone DRINK UP--" he said with a wink. "Now--if you noticed--" he gestured at the roses he had thrown. "The roses turned white when I touched them. Someone tell me why. Guess. Think. Make something up----GO--"
This was the first lesson of the year. Nothing too serious, eh? It was why he saw some MAJOR uniform violations and decided he wouldn't care about them...for now. HE was a walking uniform violation right now, wasn't he?
OOC: I got so excited I forgot to say...moving on sometime tomorrow for me. <3 Thanks to Kath for that manip that I asked for and she delivered A+ thanks for the lulz of posts so far, guys <3
Mason smiled at Kitty when the older girl came up to her, with tea as well, at least. "Hey, Kitty. How was the re- Oh sweet baby Merlin!"
Were her eyes broken? Was this some sort of creepy boggart? WHY THE HELL WAS THEIR PROFESSOR DRESSED LIKE A MUGGLE DRAG-QUEEN??!!!!
Mason stared at him, dumbfounded, tea forgotten. What was he going on about? People painting his roses? OHHHHHHHHHHH, DUH. Mason you idiot! He was dressed as the Red Queen from Alice. For someone who had loved the book as a child, it had taken her quite a while to finally realize what he was aiming for. . . And apparantely someone was losing their head, which made Mason VERY grateful for the fact that she had ignored the roses completely and had gone straight for the tea. See? Tea was a life-saver.
Mason drained the last of said wonderful-tea and placed the cup back onto the table. She gave the professor an applause for that beautiful performance. Maybe he had studied at WADA when he was younger? He seemed to have the talent. . . SPOILER!!: Wimbleton
He sat atop the table in the front once more. “As Landon, Oliver both mentioned---TEMPERATURE is what changes the color, exactly. And even more specifically, our BODY heat is what does it for the roses, as Janelle said, but I must show you--” he waved his wand, and an ENORMOUS blast of HOT AIR shot out, enveloping the entire room and...changing all of the roses white. Paul waved his wand again to get rid of it. “They are VERY sensitive to temperature change, actually, and they turn WHITE to actually show they are too warm. It’s mostly helpful if they’ve been kept in the sun too long and need some shade for a few hours or day or so.”
“Now, mundane roses do turn whiter in color in the summer. So, some of you suggesting this is a magical hybrid are correct--they ARE a hybrid, created by Herbologist Theodore Wimbleton in 2065. So they’re relatively NEW to the field, as you can see. BUT with care...and love...they’re pretty similar to regular roses, as you all..will see.” Oh he smirked a bit evilly there.
“First lesson of the year! So...we’re doing some easier things today, kids! Tell me the parts of the rose plant--which did you all know was a SHRUB, actually?” How funny. He slipped off the table and grabbed a piece of chalk, for once using his hand and not his wand to draw on the board. He drew a pretty simple flower. “Don’t worry about writing this stuff down. Just..let’s go over it before we get into our activity. BUT--what ARE the parts of the rose and what is their function? Tell me everything you know!”
Anyhoooooooo. She grabbed her bag from the floor and made her way towards one of the empty desks. She was getting away from there as soon as possible, since Myers might actually complete his threat of beheading. Mason stroked some of the roses on her way there, watching them change color, since they were actually pretty cool aaaanddd HEAATTTTTT. Thank you, Professor for those few seconds of bliss.
. . . Theodore Wimbleton?
Insert subtle snort here. Wizards had the weirdest names. . . not that her real one was any better, but eh.
Oh Merlin, were they actually supposed to KNOW what the parts of a rose was? Uuuhhhmmmm. What? How did some of these peasant just KNOW this? Did they spend their free time looking for diagrams of roses? PPfffttt. . . no thank you. |